1 on 1 Nutrition COaching

Creating the Life

you Want

who needs a Coach?

The short answer: Everyone! If you have a goal, the best way to get there is with someone to hold you accountable. Someone to make suggestions, offer advice and most importantly, listen to you. Life is not a single player game, we all need a village of people to support us and our goals. And I want to be part of your village :)

What does Nutrition Coaching Look Like?

I have come to learn that the best diet is the one you can stick to! So we can do any type of diet that is desirable to you. Typically I use some sort of macronutrient profile, where I give you specific targets for proteins, carbs, and fats. But that takes a bit of work and can be uncomfortable and frustrating initially. So, I like to start with reviewing your current intake, and seeing where might be the best place to start. 

In terms of meetings, we use an online platform called InMyCorner that allows us to do online check-ins once a week, where you can upload photos, and track up to tons different metrics. In that check-in, you can also type out a longer summary of your week, including what you’re struggling with, what’s going well, and how your week was overall! Then I will read through everything, make adjustments when needed, and answer questions! There is also a messaging feature if you need extra help between check-ins.

I recommend sticking to the program for 3 months because real meaningful changes take time. We can’t achieve big goals without consistency over time. Also, it takes some time to build a relationship. I want to know about you, your family, hobbies, sports, and everything else. The better I know you the more specific I can be. It will help me understand your emotions better as well as where things are tough and where things are fun for you!