What is really happening within a CrossFit Class?
Most people have seen the early 2000s CrossFit where everyone was getting hurt, puking, or giving themselves rhabdo as what CrossFit is today. The reality is we have changed. We learned a lot from the mistakes of the pioneers and are now able to truly create world-class fitness in a safe and effective manner.
So, what is happening today in a CrossFit Class?
The Workout Brief
Each class starts around the whiteboard where we go over the Workout of the Day (WOD), and any strength or skill pieces and this is where we start to offer scaling options and strategy tips. This is also the place to ask any questions you may have and bring up any potential issues you may have that the coach should know about.
The Warm Up
After the WOD Brief, we will lead the class through a warm-up, that accomplishes two goals. The First goal is to physically warm up your body for the movements you are about to do. The second goal is to begin refining important movement patterns for the day. The warm-up is generally 8 minutes and should get everyone warm enough to begin the technique portion of the class.
Technique Drills
Before a strength or skill piece, we will get everyone up to speed on the points of performance we are looking for. This will serve as a continuation of the warm-up while also getting everyone primed for the workout.
If the WOD has a gymnastics movement or a barbell there is a good chance we will have a corresponding skill or strength component to help improve your technique and let you build capacity in that movement. This is not the case every day but generally can be expected 3-4 days per week. This can be considered a primer for the workout, a continuation of the warm-up, or its own training piece.
Finally, we get to the best part of your day! The WOD is generally between 5 and 25 minutes and will consist of any combination of functional movements. We may see monostructural movements like running, rowing, biking, or jump-roping. We might see some gymnastics skills like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, toes to bar, or handstands. We might also have any movement with a barbell, dumbbell, or kettlebell. Because of the sheer number of movements, it is quite rare we redo workouts, so each day is a new adventure. If you cannot do a movement due to your fitness level, experience, or any injuries you might have we will modify the workout to best suit your needs while ensuring you still get the benefits of the workout.
We are not doing early 2000s CrossFit anymore and I invite you to come try out a class before passing judgment on CrossFit as a whole!
Learn more about Droptine CrossFit by clicking here: Droptine CrossFit